The Heartbeat of Ndebe Group

Nguni Cattle: A Legacy of Resilience

Discover the integral role of Nguni cattle in our journey at Ndebe Group. Their unmatched resilience and adaptability make them a cornerstone of our agricultural heritage.


Nguni Cattle: The Pride of Africa

Nguni cattle are renowned for their hardiness and ability to thrive in the African environment. These cattle are highly resistant to diseases and can withstand harsh climatic conditions, making them perfectly suited for sustainable farming in Africa.

When we started farming in Alice in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, we knew we had to be selective with our breed of choice.

The grass in the area is sourveld, the land is dry, and water is scarce. The communal land is overgrazed due to a lack of management, and stock theft is rife. These are but just some of the challenges we faced in the village called Krwakrwa, located on the route to Hogsback under the authority of Chief Mabandla Aaah!! Jongumsobomvu.

We needed a hardy animal that would withstand these conditions, and with minimum input costs. It was always going to be Ngunis because they survive where others cannot. They graze where others dare not. We call them the easy care, user friendly breed. Imihlambi kaNtu echuma eminye inzinyelwa. 

What Our Clients Say

"I bought heifers and a bull from Ndebe Ngunis, they have one of the best genetics."

Mr Linda Matshabane, Butterworth, EC

"I bought 5 heifers from Ndebe Ngunis. And one gave birth recently."

Manci, Ngqamakhwe, EC

"I bought a fat grass fed cow for a cultural ceremony from Ndebe Ngunis. The meat was very tasty."

 Bagio, Ginsberg, KWT

"Ndebe safely delivered my 10 heifers purchased in Grahamstown to Centane, professional and efficient service."

Mr Njongo Faleni, Centane

Discover the Legacy of Nguni Cattle

Ideal for the start-up farmer who’s on a budget, and has little time to look after the animals. We have a saying as Nguni breeders that ‘Ngunis look after themselves’

It’s a known fact that Ngunis are one of the least expensive breeds to farm with.

Ndebe Ngunis is striving to breed a strong animal (hardy), that is fertile, well-adapted, has good temperament, good mothering ability and good conformity.

An animal that can withstand the harsh African environment. Our Ngunis graze, and thrive in a Redwater (African and Asiatic), Heartwater, and Gallsickness area.

We farm in Peddie in the Eastern Cape along the R72, 90km to EL and about 40km to Port Alfred. We’re part of the farming community in this region. Our coorp (Daninge Ngunis) has a herd of 400 cattle.